I've been noticing that over the past month that Reese has picked up on music.
Towards the end of February we were driving along listening to her CD when
I looked in the mirror and saw her clapping her hands. It took me a second to
realize she was clapping her hands to the song, "If you are happy and you know it!"!
She's been clapping for a little while but I was quite amazed she knew to clap
when to song said to!
This weekend while at the beach we were walking down the hall in our hotel when
This weekend while at the beach we were walking down the hall in our hotel when
Reese stopped in the middle of the hall and started bouncing! They were playing
music throughout the hotel and I guess the moment took over!!! So there we are,
standing in the middle of the resort and she's bouncing to the music. A few couples
thought it was pretty funny too! I did get tickled watching her "dance"!
Ummm...I wonder, might I have a dancer one day???