Saturday, January 26, 2008

More than a bag of sugar............

Yesterday Reese went to the doctor for her 2 month check up and shots! She weighs 6 pounds 8 ounces - more than the bag of sugar we have at the house! She's getting to be a little chunker! So that was the good part of the visit....the shot part on the other hand was quite disturbing. I was talking to her and trying to distract her but when that long needle went into the small amount of fat she has on her leg, well there was no comforting at that point. You see, Reese has this vein on the top of her head and it popped out as well as her face turning beat red! This vein is quite impressive, it had all the NICU nurses wanting to sick an IV in it! Yes, they put IV's in babies heads! It made me so sad to sit there and watch her cry! The saddest part was that she didn't even know what was coming to her! POOR THING! We now weigh as much as a "normal" newborn!

1 comment:

Gerrick, Dana, Trace, and Anna Kate said...

Yeah for Reese! Glad to know that she's growing so much! I know what you mean about the IV's in the head...when Trace was in the NICU, we walked in one day to find his IV in the top of his head and it freaked me out! There's something about the unknown that is a little scary! I'm glad Reese is doing so well and it sounds like you guys are too! Call me!