Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My 9 month checkup!

Today we went to the doctor for Reese's 9 month checkup! She now weighs 15 lbs and 8 oz. She's 27 inches long and her head circumference is huge! Her percentiles are 50% for head circumference, 40% height and 5% for weight .....which means we have a tall, thin little girl with a big ole head! But I love that big ole head! It's amazing how far the Lord had brought her in just 9 months. I was looking back at pictures the other day and can't believe she was that small. I forget how tiny she was but am thankful for how well she has done since then!


Annie said...

I always love reading the stats, so thanks for posting them! I was so excited to see that you had posted again!
Hopefully you'll post pictures of her too! I LOVE the ones you sent on snapfish of her crawling, but you should post even more! We miss our little cousin Reese and wish we could see her more often!

Annie said...

YAY! All of the pictures are finally up! I'm so happy to see the pics from the baptism! I hadn't seen any of those! She looks PRECIOUS in her little gown/bonnet!
Wish we could have been there!

Lindsay Adams said...

Alright! I'm so glad you updated your blog! Love all the pics. Keep it up girlfriend. Miss you . . .

Lindsey said...

Goodness, my chunky money is already over 16 lbs!! Love all the pics!! Can't wait to get together again- we need to have a "swim play date" very soon!
Miss you!