To say I like Chick fil a, well that might be an understatement.
I guess this little story might help fill you in.
Greg and I went to Hawaii in September. Reese stayed
with Aunt Kristin and Nana flew in to keep her too!
One day they all went to the mall around the corner
from our house. The one that was close to my work
when I was working. When they pulled up and went in
Reese was yelling, "Come, Come Come Come" . To her that
meant "GO GO GO GO"! At this mall they have a playground
which she loves to play on. Once Nana
figured this out she got to play on it.
Well, they went to Chick fil A to order and the Chick fil A
employees said, "We haven't seen you
in a while little girl!" Nana was a little confused and they told
her they use to see me when I'd come in for lunch
when I was pregnant and then after I had her! Kristin and Nana
thought it was hilarious that the employees at Chick Fil A knew
who Reese was! It's probably because they have great
employees who never couldn't be me going
to Chick Fil A too much!!!!
Maybe I should look into
finding another favorite restaurant and branch out a little!
(by the way...that's where a great friend of mine took me for
my 30th birthday !!!!!)